Your Brand Powered to Fly with an Affordable Trademark Filing
Miracle Mark is an express US trademark registration filing Service, filed by real attorneys.
If you’re looking for a fast, cost-effective way to get your Trademark application submitted, Miracle Mark can help
What does a Miracle Mark express filing include?
An express filing with Miracle Mark includes having a US attorney draft and submit your trademark application to the USPTO, and serve as Attorney of Record until your application has been submitted.
What are all the fees involved in the process?
The service fee we charge is $300, and you’ll also have to pay a separate government fee of $250
Is there a real Law Firm behind Miracle Mark?
Absolutely! You can learn about us here - our law firm has successfully been in business for 12 years.
Aren’t Trademark Legal Fees usually more expensive?
A full service trademark registration from a law firm is usually more expensive when pre-filing research and having the law firm stay on as attorney of record through the duration of the registration (typically 8 months - 1.5 years) is included. Our law office offers full-service trademark registrations if that’s something you’d like to explore.
Is it ok to Get My Trademark Registered without pre-filing research?
It’s always better and recommended to get pre-filing research before you file, but its understandable that sometimes budget restraints don’t permit that, which is why we created the Miracle Mark Service
What kind of trademark applications can I submit with Miracle Mark
We can work with all brand/business categories seeking a US trademark registration for word/text trademarks only.