Below is a sample timeline of registering an in-use trademark with the Federal USPTO (US Patent & Trademark Office). It typically takes 8 months - 1.5 years to complete the registration. One year is the average time.
While your registration is pending, other people would not be able to successfully register your brand name for your services/goods (since you beat them to it), and you would be able to send cease & desist letters to infringers pending registration to stop their efforts and protect yours.
Your payment to Carriman Law Group to file your application covers our services for all correspondence with the USPTO at no additional cost to you, including procedural office action replys.
Substantive office action replys are not included should your application receive one. The flat rate for a substantive office action reply is currently $1000 USD.
Intent to use trademark applications follow this same timeline, however after publication, you have to either submit evidence of your mark in-use (a statement in use), or request a 6 month extension. You can request the 6 month extension up to 5 times. Carriman Law Group will file either one statement of use or one 6 month extension at no additional attorney fee following the completion of your publication.